Accelerating progress toward TB Elimination is one of the priority developmental goal for the Government of India. The ‘India Innovation Summit’ is a pivotal event that will bring together key stakeholders from various sectors to accelerate the progress toward Ending Tuberculosis (TB) in India. It will offer a unique platform to showcase innovations to regulators, policy makers the national program, and TB experts, providing valuable recognition and visibility within the global health community. Additionally, it will serve as a catalyst for supporting the scaling and implementation of these solutions.
The key objectives of the summit are as follows:
While organizing the summit, a live “Atlas of Innovations” will also be developed. This would be an open online portal where all innovations in the context of TB Elimination, their status in terms of maturity/ readiness for induction into program will be showcased in a single location. This Atlas will be launched at the summit and will exist for about 2 to 5 years beyond the summit. It will enable innovators (existing and new) to submit and exhibit their concepts and put them in a visible trajectory that moves toward integration and scale up in the program; decision and policy makers to strategically plan and make space for innovations and stimulate/ fast track integration; and funders to easily prioritize and support high potential/ high reward innovations.
During the summit two parallel programs will be conducted.
The summit is expected to bring together about 1500 participants and stakeholders in the following categories