India Innovation Summit - Pioneering solutions to End TB

Accelerating progress toward TB Elimination is one of the priority developmental goal for the Government of India. The ‘India Innovation Summit’ is a pivotal event that will bring together key stakeholders from various sectors to accelerate the progress toward Ending Tuberculosis (TB) in India. It will offer a unique platform to showcase innovations to regulators, policy makers the national program, and TB experts, providing valuable recognition and visibility within the global health community. Additionally, it will serve as a catalyst for supporting the scaling and implementation of these solutions.

The key objectives of the summit are as follows:

    1. Showcase the range and utility of existing innovations in TB Elimination Program context.
    2. Create opportunities to fast track integration of proven innovations and technologies into program operations by bringing all stakeholders onto the same platform.
    3. Showcase gap areas/ challenges where innovations are needed and stimulate development of innovations.

While organizing the summit, a live “Atlas of Innovations” will also be developed. This would be an open online portal where all innovations in the context of TB Elimination, their status in terms of maturity/ readiness for induction into program will be showcased in a single location. This Atlas will be launched at the summit and will exist for about 2 to 5 years beyond the summit. It will enable innovators (existing and new) to submit and exhibit their concepts and put them in a visible trajectory that moves toward integration and scale up in the program; decision and policy makers to strategically plan and make space for innovations and stimulate/ fast track integration; and funders to easily prioritize and support high potential/ high reward innovations.

During the summit two parallel programs will be conducted.

    1. Scientific Sessions: It will include plenaries, round table discussions, market place and panel discussions. These will be held in three separate halls.
    2. Experiential exhibition of innovations: Here delegates will walk through an interactive display of all innovations, creatively put together as an integrated journey through the TB care cascade in various themes with the population in context. Different innovations in the same category will be displayed as options to achieve the same result.

The summit is expected to bring together about 1500 participants and stakeholders in the following categories

    1. Policy makers
    2. Thought leaders/ Think tanks
    3. Civil Society - TB forum representatives, TB champion Network, Media etc.
    4. Technology Incubators/ Aggregators
    5. Innovators/ Manufacturers
    6. Technology innovation
    7. Operations innovation/Technical experts
    8. Funders of Innovations